How it works?

To contact us, please tell us what your question is about:


Click on a question below to see the answer.

Why haven’t I been credited for a survey I completed?

I have a problem completing a survey – what can I do?

I completed a survey – why is it still showing in my account?

What does it meant to ‘not qualify’ for a survey?

What haven’t I received the compensation for not qualifying?

How do I get more surveys?

Why am I not receiving surveys anymore?

Why has my account been blocked?

Why can’t I take surveys on my phone?

Rewards and payment

Click on a question below to see the answer.

Why haven’t I been credited for a survey I completed?

Why has my reward not arrived yet?

How do I claim a reward?

How much are points worth?

What rewards are available?


Click on a question below to see the answer.

Why does Survey Friends need my personal information?

Can I choose not to give my personal details to Survey Friends?

What happens to my personal information at Survey Friends?

How do I delete my personal information from Survey Friends?

How do I opt-out of receiving emails?

Updating my details

Click on a question below to see the answer.

How do I update my personal details, like my address?

Profile questionnaires

Click on a question below to see the answer.

What are the profile questionnaires?

Why do I need to fill in the profile questionnaires?

How do I update the information that I provided in the profile questionnaires?

Competitions and Minipolls

Click on a question below to see the answer.

What is the monthly VIP Draw?

How do I take part in the monthly VIP Draw?

What are minipolls?

The minipoll isn’t working – what do I do?

Lottery and Auctions

Click on a question below to see the answer.

What is the Lottery?

What is an Auction?

I spent my points in the Lottery/Auction accidentally – can I reclaim them?