Charter - Member Privacy Policy
Survey Friends’s Privacy Policy
Survey Friends is committed to total transparency in the processing of your personal information, and to total protection of your privacy
The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of all data collected on the Survey Friends site in accordance with the "Data Protection Act" of 6 January 1978 and the "General Data Protection Regulation" of 27 April 2016.
Personal data (PD) is information that allows you to be identified directly or indirectly:
- information that allows you to be identified directly is for example: your surname and first name, your email address, your telephone number, your date of birth (especially if it is associated with other information such as postal code), your IP address, etc.;
- information that allows you to be identified indirectly often takes the form of IDs, which are not personal but which make it possible to make a link with your account on the site and therefore personal data.
Through the following Privacy Policy, we will explain in detail how your personal data are collected on the Survey Friends site, and for what reasons we collect them. We will also explain the security measures implemented to ensure that your data are kept in a manner that protects your privacy.
To read our main rules for the use of personal information more quickly, you can consult this Extract from our Privacy Policy.
And if you have any other questions, you can contact us directly via our Contact form.
About us
The site Survey Friends, specialising in market research studies and more specifically in
compensated online studies, property of the MIS GROUP Company, is operated with respect for your privacy.
MIS GROUP, formerly Netetudes then Made in Surveys, is a French company established in 2001 specialising in
conducting online and offline, quantitative and qualitative market research studies.
Within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 27 April 2016, the MIS GROUP Company edits the site and is responsible processing all data collected from this site. You will find the legal information on the MIS GROUP Company at the bottom of this page.
The Survey Friends site is one of the panel websites used by the MIS GROUP Company to disseminate its own market research and that of its partners. The Survey Friends site is mainly used for the dissemination of online surveys (internet questionnaires). Occasionally, telephone recruitment to participate in face-to-face or online consumer meetings and interviews, home product testing, or mystery shopping may be conducted with Survey Friends site users (panellists).
Collection of personal data
What personal information do we collect?
Why do we collect it?
On the Survey Friends site, we distinguish between two types of data:
- data collected directly from our site, through our registration form, our contact form, our 13 Profile questionnaires and our "Question of the Day", and which are recorded in a computerised file by the company MIS GROUP Company;
- data collected through all the questionnaires we distribute (other than the Profile questionnaires) and which are hosted by the MIS GROUP Company: quantitative survey questionnaires (online surveys) and recruitment questionnaires for qualitative studies (face-to-face or online consumer meetings and interviews, home product testing, mystery shopping, etc.); hereinafter, when "research questionnaires" or "studies" are mentioned, these refer to both quantitative surveys and qualitative studies.
In addition to these types of personal data collection, there are a few specific cases, including partner research questionnaires.
Detailed below is the personal information that you are required to provide us on each of our forms and questionnaires, and the reasons for which this information is required:
What personal information do you provide us with through the Survey Friends registration form?
For what reasons?
The amount of personal information collected on our registration form is kept to a minimum. As the descriptions below demonstrate, all this information is essential for the activity of our Survey Friends site and the MIS GROUP Company, and is collected either:
- for statistical purposes;
- to ensure the proper management of accounts and follow-up of panellists registered on the Survey Friends site (participation in studies, compensation, etc.).
The Survey Friends registration form is divided into 3 steps:
Step 1
Email address
Votre adresse e-mail doit être obligatoirement renseignée pour vous permettre de :
- create your Survey Friends account, and more specifically, receive the link to the second step of the registration form; this link is sent to you only after you have entered a valid email address and secure password, and you must click on this link within 24 hours of it being sent to be able to continue registration;
- receive invitations to participate in quantitative survey questionnaires (online surveys);
- receive important information from our Survey Friends site, such as updates on the site affecting its operation or the operation of your account.
Your email address may also be used by the Survey Friends site to send you:
- emails inviting you to participate in recruitment questionnaires for qualitative studies
- “We are looking for" emails with the aim of finding highly targeted profiles (e.g. men who drink XX branded coffee on a daily basis) in your city or close to where you live; in these emails, we ask you to kindly contact people you know who match the profiles sought and are likely to be interested in participating in qualitative studies;
When you register on the Survey Friends site, you must give your consent to receive all our emails. You are however completely free to withdraw this consent at any time, and to agree or not to receive for example the two types of emails related to qualitative studies from the "My Profile" page under "My email alerts".
Create and renew your password:
Like most websites, we use email and password authentication to secure access to your Survey Friends account.
To enhance the security of your account, your password must:
- Contain at least 8 characters;
- Contain both upper and lower case letters;
- Contain both letters and numbers.
Moreover, again for security reasons, we recommend that you renew your password at least once
every 12 months via the Survey Friends site.
You can renew your password at any time, either:
- by clicking on the "Forgotten password?" link when you log into your Survey Friends account (this link can be found under the "Password" field);
- by clicking on the "Edit" button in the "Password" field on the "My Profile" page under "My profile information".
Storage of your password
Your password is not kept in plain text on our site, but is automatically transformed by means of a cryptographic function. No one but you can access your password.
Therefore, if you forget your password, there is no point in contacting our team. When you log into your Survey Friends account, you will see the "Forgotten password?" link, allowing you to create a new password.
NB : To help you remember your password, after one failed login attempt, you are systematically reminded that your password contains at least 8 characters, upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Step 2
Your title is not requested simply to personalise the welcome message on your account and/or messages sent by email (Mr/Mrs).
It is essential that we know your title in order to offer you studies that concern you. As some of our studies only target men or women, we use your title to make them available or unavailable on your account (in the "Home" section).
First name and surname
Your first name and surname are not required for surveys, which are always - with a few exceptions - anonymous. They may simply be used to personalise the welcome message on your account and/or messages sent by email.
Your first name and surname are, however, required for sending compensation.
As soon as you have enough points on your Survey Friends account, you can ask to use your
points (in the "Use my points" section) to receive gift vouchers by post (ordered via the
"Gift Shop" section). Your first name and surname will then appear on the postal envelope and
on some gift vouchers.
Date of birth
Just like title, your date of birth is essential for us to invite you to participate in studies that concern you. Some of our studies target only people aged 18 to 25, others only people aged 55 and over, etc.
It should also be noted that you must be 16 or over to become a panellist on the Survey Friends site.
Postal address
Your postal address - consisting of street number, street name, post code, city, country and county - is mandatory and has a dual purpose.
Geographical targeting of our studies:
Some of our studies target cities (or even neighbourhoods) or other specific geographic areas. To meet these targeting requirements, we use our panellists' postal addresses. As such, if your postal address is within the area targeted by a study, then this study will be available on your Survey Friends account (in the "Home" section) and you will receive an invitation email to participate therein.
Sending compensation:
Just like your first name and surname, your postal address is required for us to send you compensation by post. As a reminder, as soon as you have enough points on your Survey Friends account, you can ask to use your points (in the "Use my points" section) to receive gift vouchers by post (ordered via the "Gift Shop" section) which will then be sent to you at the postal address provided on your account (unless you request to change your postal address).
Step 3
Telephone number
For security reasons, we ask you to provide us with a valid mobile phone number on which we can send you a validation code by SMS. It is only once this validation code has been entered on our site - within 24 hours of sending it - that the creation of your Survey Friends account is fully completed.
The telephone number provided during this last step of the registration process is not used for any purpose other than that mentioned above. You will not be contacted by us on this number again - except in the event that you provide us with the same number to be contacted for studies - and we will not disclose it to third parties under any circumstances.
NB : If registration on the Survey Friends site is not fully completed in time - by clicking on the confirmation link sent by email at the end of step 1 within 24 hours, and entering the validation code sent by SMS during step 3 within 24 hours - or is not validated by the MIS GROUP Company, then all the personal information entered during the process is immediately and automatically deleted.
What personal information do you provide us with through the Survey Friends registration form?
For what reasons?
If you do not have a Survey Friends account or are not logged in, you can still contact our team via the "Contact" page. When you fill in the contact form, you are asked to provide certain pieces of personal information:
First name and surname
Your first name and surname are useful to us here, for:
- personalised communication between you and our team;
- improved efficiency in dealing with your request, if for example you are experiencing problems accessing your Survey Friends account (to find your account more easily);
- putting a "name" on each request that we receive from the Survey Friends site, and avoiding confusion between several messages received.
If, for your own reasons, you do not wish to give us your surname and first name, you are
completely free to use a user name, such as, for example, your first name and the first
letter of your surname only.
We guarantee that your request will be treated in exactly the same way as if you had given us your
first and last name.
Email address
The email address given in the contact form must be the one to which you wish us to reply to your request. If you have a Survey Friends account and enter an email address other than the one on your account in the contact form, then we will reply to this other email address.
The subject of your message
The subject of your message is simply used to automatically redirect your request to the appropriate department for it to be dealt with more efficiently.
Your message
You are invited to enter the content of your request in this field.
If it is not required for your request to be processed, try to avoid entering nominative information
in this field other than that previously requested (e.g.: do not enter your postal address if it is
not necessary for your request to be processed).
We also strongly advise against including in your message passwords, bank details or other information that is sensitive owing to the fact that it is related to your racial or ethnic origin, your political, philosophical or religious views, your trade union membership, your health, your sex life or your criminal convictions.
NB : If your message concerns your Survey Friends account, please first log into to your account, before clicking on "Contact" and filling in the form. As such, all you will have to do is type your message, which will then be automatically forwarded to us with your panellist ID for faster processing.
What types of personal information do you provide us with in our 13 profile
For what reasons?
All information collected from the Profile questionnaires is optional. Its purpose is to enable us to better categorise your panellist profile in order to offer you studies that concern you.
In total, we give you access to 13 Profile questionnaires, i.e. 13 themes:
1. The GENERAL Profile questionnaire
2. The Finance questionnaire
3. The Diet questionnaire
4. The Transport/Vehicles questionnaire
5. The Home questionnaire
6. The High-Tech questionnaire
7. The Internet questionnaire
8. The Media questionnaire
9. The Sports/Leisure questionnaire
10. The Work questionnaire
11. The Travel/Holiday questionnaire
12. The Clothes/Beauty questionnaire
13. The Partner questionnaire
When you choose to participate in one of these Profile questionnaires, you must complete all questions in order for your participation to be recorded.
Moreover, when a Profile questionnaire contains questions concerning sensitive information such as your racial or ethnic origin, your political, philosophical or religious views, your trade union membership, your health, your sexual life or your criminal convictions, we systematically implement two measures:
- at the beginning of the questionnaire, on the first page, you are asked whether or not you agree for the sensitive information you provide through your answers to be used to better categorise your profile and for statistical purposes;
- at the end of the list of response options, you are given a response option such as "I do not wish to answer" or "DK"; the same applies to questions about your and your household's income.
NB : Although the answers to the Profile questionnaires are optional, please be aware that the more information you give us about your profile, the more we will be able to offer you suitable studies to participate in.
What types of personal information do you provide us with in the Question of the
For what reasons?
The Question of the Day deals daily with a different subject on a daily basis (diverse and varied subjects, both serious and offbeat), but it is systematically optional. Moreover, your answers to each of our Questions of the Day remain completely anonymous. No link is made, even indirectly, between your answers to these questions and nominative data.
The Question of the Day simply allows us to generate a daily statistic, which we can then pass on our social networks, primarily on our Facebook page.
What types of personal data are collected from quantitative survey
For what reasons?
First and foremost, it should be noted that participation in quantitative survey questionnaires is not mandatory under any circumstances. Moreover, not participating in these questionnaires does not constitute proof of your inactivity. Only failure to log into the site for more than 6 consecutive months constitutes proof of inactivity, as per the general conditions of use governing our site. We therefore reserve the right to cancel your account in such cases and to delete all personal data that you have registered across our site (after of course informing you by email).
Only the MIS GROUP Company can establish a link between personal data that you have entered on our site and the information collected from quantitative survey questionnaires.
These quantitative survey questionnaires are put online and hosted by the MIS GROUP Company and allow
us to consult your views and opinions, to find out about your habits, perceptions, expectations and
reservations regarding brands, concepts or other subjects.
The fact that these questionnaires are directly accessible online, from the Survey Friends site, allows us to record your answers automatically and very quickly.
Regardless of the subject matter of these questionnaires, all responses are then used for
statistical purposes only.
Quantitative surveys are carried out routinely on behalf of our clients and partners, and the responses collected via these questionnaires remain completely anonymous. With a few exceptions*, no link is established between the responses and nominative data.
* If, for the specific requirements of a study, we have to establish a link between your responses to a quantitative survey questionnaire and nominative data, such as your surname and first name, we will inform you accordingly at the beginning of the questionnaire. You will be asked to give your consent and the link will be established only on the basis of an ID code.
What types of personal data are collected from recruitment questionnaires?
For what reasons?
As part of the activities of the MIS GROUP Company, we organise qualitative surveys on behalf of our clients on a daily basis, such as consumer meetings, face-to-face or online interviews, home product testing and mystery shopping.
Our qualitative studies are systematically compensated, and we systematically carry out pre-recruitment for participants in these studies, hence the need to set up recruitment questionnaires.
As with quantitative survey questionnaires, participation in these recruitment questionnaires is in no way mandatory, and non-participation in these questionnaires will not, in any event, constitute proof of inactivity (see above).
Each of our recruitment questionnaires is put online and hosted by the MIS GROUP Company, and
therefore simply allows us to check whether or not your profile matches one of our qualitative
When you profile matches, you can access a concise form at the end of the recruitment questionnaire.
They then you have to enter your contact details* and give your consent to be contacted again and
take part in the study. The MIS GROUP Company is subsequently responsible for contacting you by
email or telephone, as appropriate.
* In this concise form, you are invited to provide a minimum of personal information, namely: your title, your surname and first name, your date of birth, an email address and/or a telephone number where we can reach you quickly. Furthermore, in most cases, we will ask you to indicate the days and times when you will be available to be contacted again.
What specific cases of personal data collection are there on the Survey Friends site?
Sensitive data
Whenever the MIS GROUP Company hosts and distributes on our Survey Friends site a
questionnaire in which sensitive information is collected, you are asked to give your prior
consent on an intermediary page. If you refuse to give us your consent to one of these
questionnaires, you will not have access to it.
Moreover, as with all of our surveys, you are under no obligation to participate and you do not have
to complete the questionnaire - you can simply exit the page via your browser.
As a reminder, any information related to racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or
religious views, trade union membership, health, sex life or criminal convictions is
considered sensitive.
Furthermore, each time a questionnaire accessible on our Survey Friends site is hosted by
the company MIS GROUP Company, only the latter is capable of establishing a link between the
personal data that you have registered on our site and the sensitive information collected from
these questionnaires.
Research questionnaires hosted by our partners
Characteristics and obtaining your consent:
The questionnaires that we distribute on our Survey Friends site are often not hosted by
the MIS GROUP Company, but by partner companies (also specialised in market research).
We play a role here as a link between our partners and you.
In this specific case, the questionnaire concerned can only be accessed from an intermediary page
hosted by us and in which we ask you to give us your consent to participate and therefore pass on
information to a company other than ours.
Under no circumstances will the MIS GROUP Company have access to your answers here, since the
partner is the sole recipient of the data collected in the questionnaire.
Moreover, during such a questionnaire, you may be asked to provide personal information such as your surname and first name or date of birth, or sensitive information (see above). This is also why we ask you to give us your consent before participating.
On the other hand, if you are only asked for your title, your age and/or your city or your postcode, then this is no case considered to be collection of personal information, since this information alone does not allow you to be identified directly or indirectly. This information is in fact often useful for statistical purposes, with the aim of processing your answers according to your sex, your age and/or your residential area when you participate, and can therefore be provided without worrying about your privacy.
Again, as with all of the questionnaires that we distribute on the Survey Friends site, you are under no obligation to participate and you do not have to complete the questionnaire - you can simply exit the page via your browser.
In the context of the research questionnaires hosted by our partners, the MIS GROUP Company is not
responsible for the processing or storage of the data collected.
However, we take particular care in choosing our partners and make them aware of the need to comply
with European regulations on the personal data processing.
Moreover, we recommend that you consult the privacy policy of the websites to which you are
redirected during these studies.
We systematically test and check our partners' research questionnaires before making them available on the Survey Friends site. However, if in the questionnaire of one of our partners you notice anything that could potentially infringe on your privacy, please let us know via the end page of the questionnaire - if you have completed the questionnaire nonetheless - on which you will find a "Report abuse", or via our contact form.
Information collected outside of forms and questionnaires
In addition to the information you give us directly through the forms and questionnaires distributed on the Survey Friends site, other personal information is collected when you use our site and when you participate in research questionnaires. This information is the following:
- The date and time you last logged into the Survey Friends site;
- The dates and times you participate in research questionnaires;
- Response times for each study questionnaire;
- Your IP address when you participate in each research questionnaire;
- The country of origin - recorded based on your IP address - when you participate in each research questionnaire;
- The type of device used - computer, tablet or smartphone - when you participate in each research questionnaire;
- Your IP address when you participate in each research questionnaire;
- Your participation history in research questionnaires and your compensation, which you yourself can consult at any time from the "My Profile" page under "My history".
The only purposes of collecting all these data are to:
- facilitate the management and monitoring of your Survey Friends account and your activity through our site;
- carry out statistical processing.
Retention and recipients of personal data
How long is personal information stored and retained?
How do we secure personal information?
Who has access to it?
How long are your data kept?
All data collected are kept for as long as is necessary to carry out our market research missions. Information associated with your account is retained until your account is deleted. When you delete your Survey Friends account, this information is automatically deleted (see below).
All other information is deleted within three months of your deletion request (e.g.: information collected through our contact form).
How is your data secured?
As a reminder, access to your Survey Friends account is protected by a password chosen by you containing at least 8 characters, upper and lower case letters and numbers. It is encrypted to ensure its confidentiality, meaning that no one but you can access it.
We guarantee the storage of all your personal information on a secure OVH server accessible only by MIS GROUP Company employees. No client, partner or supplier can access this server. The host's contact details are given at the bottom of this page.
Access to your data is therefore strictly permitted to you and to MIS GROUP Company employees. The latter receive the necessary training on personal data protection and undertake to maintain the confidentiality thereof.
Who are the recipients of the data collected?
As mentioned above, the personal and nominative information that we have on you, and that you have entered on the Survey Friends site (your email address, your first name and surname, your date of birth, your postal address and your telephone number) are in no case distributed to third parties. The same applies for your panellist ID.
The information you give us through our research questionnaires is passed on anonymously to our clients, so that no link can be established between this information and yourself.
Only your title, your age - calculated from your date of birth - and your home postcode may be passed on to third parties (our clients) for statistical purposes, in order to associate your answers with a gender (male/female), an age group and a geographical area. As previously explained, this information when transferred alone cannot be considered as personal data (as it does not allow you to be identified directly or indirectly on its own).
In the event of total or partial transfer of the shares of the MIS GROUP Company, we undertake to guarantee the confidentiality of your personal information and to inform you in the event that the Privacy Policy is amended.
Use of personal information
To ensure maximum clarity and transparency to all our users/panellists, the table below contains a summary of how the Survey Friends site uses your personal information.
What? | Why? - Main purposes - |
Who has access to this data? - Recipients - |
Profile information | ||
Form to be completed upon registration - and accessible/modifiable on the "My Profile" page - |
Email address |
Password |
Title |
First name and surname |
Date of birth |
Your age Calculated from your date of birth |
Postal address |
Postcode Retrieved from your postal address |
Telephone number |
Profile questionnaires - accessible/modifiable on the "My Profile" page - |
Your answers recorded from profile questionnaires |
Research questionnaires hosted by the MIS GROUP Company | ||
Your answers to our quantitative survey questionnaires |
Your answers to out recruitment questionnaires |
Research questionnaires hosted by our partners | ||
Your IP address
Recorded when being redirected to our partner’s website |
Your country of origin Recorded when being redirected to our partner’s website |
The type of device used Recorded when being redirected to our partner’s website |
The type of web browser used Recorded when being redirected to our partner’s website |
Your answers to our partners' research questionnaires |
Information collected outside of forms and questionnaires | ||
The date and time you last logged into our site |
The dates and times you participate in research questionnaires |
Response times for each research questionnaire |
Your IP address Registered each time you participate in a research questionnaire |
Your country of origin Recorded each time you participate in a research questionnaire, based on your IP address |
The type of device used when you participate in each research questionnaire |
The type of web browser used when you participate in each research questionnaire |
Your participation history in research questionnaires and your compensation |
User rights
What are your rights as a panellist on the Survey Friends site?
What are your rights in terms of accessing and amending your personal data?
You can access and amend all your personal information stored directly on the Survey Friends site at any time, from the "My Profile" page in the "My profile information" section, and from the 13 Profile questionnaires (which can be updated as many times as you like, without any restrictions).
If changes are made, the old information stored will be automatically deleted and replaced by the new information.
What are your rights in terms of deleting your personal data?
You are free at any time, and without any justification, to delete your Survey Friends account in just a few clicks. Simply click on the "Delete my account" button on the "My Profile" page and confirm that you wish to permanently delete your account.
All personal information that you have registered on our site is deleted automatically when you delete your Survey Friends account. This information is recorded from the forms hosted on our site (form to be completed when you register on the site and on the "My Profile" page), and from our 13 Profile questionnaires.
Only the responses to the research questionnaires (quantitative survey questionnaires and recruitment questionnaires for qualitative studies) are kept for statistical purposes, but no further link can be made between your responses to these questionnaires and nominative data.
What are your rights in terms of portability of your personal data?
As a user/panellist on the Survey Friends site, you have the right to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format for transfer to another controller.
You can also exercise this right to transfer your data from your current account to a new account created with another email address.
In any case, you can exercise this right by contacting the MIS GROUP Company on the contact details given at the bottom of this page.
Additional information
A cookie is a text file temporarily placed in the memory of your Internet browser. Cookies cannot run programs or introduce viruses into your computer or phone. They are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that deposited them.
The use of cookies on our Survey Friends website is very limited since MIS Group uses the site solely for its quantitative and qualitative marketing research activities.
Under no circumstances is our Survey Friends website used for the purposes of advertising or the sale of prospection databases, for example.
The Survey Friends website uses only a technical cookie (PHPSESSID) and third-party audience measurement cookies (Google Analytics) needed for it to work, and do not require your consent.
However, you can block these cookies technically by means of your browser settings.
Technical cookie:
Cookie owner | Purpose of the cookie | Consent prior to depositing the cookie |
Survey Friends (PHPSESSID) | Functional: optimize your browsing the Survey Friends website, by retaining your information and preferences from one page to another. | Not requested: technical cookies do not require consent.
The PHPSESSID cookie is kept only for the duration of your browsing the site (retention period: session). |
Audience measurement cookies:
Cookie owner | Purpose of the cookie | Consent prior to depositing the cookie |
Google Analytics (_ga, _gat, _gid) | Audience measurement: generate statistics related to your browsing the Survey Friends website which will be analyzed to understand and improve your site usage. | Not requested: audience measurement cookies are allowed on this site by default because they are configured to collect data anonymously with a lifespan of 13 months:
As a reminder, you can block these cookies technically by means of your browser settings. |
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if you believe that we have not respected your rights. In the event that you lodge a complaint, we undertake to cooperate with the competent supervisory authority to resolve the dispute.
We reserve the right to amend this Policy. We will systematically inform you of these changes so that you can familiarise yourself with them before continuing to browse the Survey Friends site.
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If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us by:
- completing our contact form;
- sending an email to the Data Protection Officer at this address: Michaël Saulnier;
- sending a letter to this address: MIS GROUP, 85 rue Nationale, 59000 LILLE.
Date of last revision: 16 May 2018
MIS Group Intl. Ltd, a Limited company under Registration Number 6550725
UK Head office:
United House
North Road
Contact us:
Email :
Company number: 655 0725
VAT No.: GB 934 7332 17
Director of publication and legal representative: Nicolas Keller
Simplified joint-stock company (SAS) with share capital of €10,069,020
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE 2620Z